Chinese Famous Drama Series Actress- Yuan Shan Shan

Yuan Shan Shan also known as (袁姗姗 in Chinese Language) is a Chinese Famous Actress in Drama Series. She was born on 22 Feb 1987 in Xiangyang, Hubei, China. She originally wanted to study art but her teacher encouraged her to study acting. She was accepted by the Beijing Film Academy in 2005. She started acting in 2008 and would eventually become one of China's most popular actresses in historical dramas. She has starred at following movie series.

chinese actress
She is a famous actress in China.

chinese actress
She looks great with her outfit.

chinese actress
She is beautiful and attractive actress in China.

chinese actress
She looks gorgeous with her outfit.

chinese actress
She has perfect match with her red outfit.

chinese actress
She has perfect body and beauty.

chinese actress
She looks elegant with her red dress.

袁姗姗(Mabel Yuan),中国女演员、歌手。1987年2月22日出生于湖北省襄阳市襄城区。毕业于北京电影学院05级表演系本科班,现为于正工作室签约艺人。 2011年在《野鸭子》《秦香莲》《倾城雪》等电视剧中崭露头角。2012年,凭借《宫锁珠帘》中“怜儿”一角一举成名,其后在电视剧《王的女人》、《美人无泪》、《笑傲江湖》、《爱在春天》中出演女主角。因其丰富的荧幕形象和热心公益、乐观正能量的形象,受到观众广泛关注和喜爱。2013年4月拍完《宫锁连城》之后转战现代剧,相继出演了《家有喜妇》和职场情感剧《半步天涯》,在11月8日开机的年代戏《芙蓉锦》中饰演女主角“贺兰”。