2011 The Best Leading 阿Actress- Chit Snow Oo

She's the Myanmar famous actress & singer, also the Winner of 2011 the best leading actress Academy Award.The Academy Dinner of 2011 the best leading actress Academy Award Winner Chit Snow Oo and the best Photography Academy Award Winner Tint San was held at Mya Yeit Nyo Hotel, in Yangon, on January 27, 2013. The dinner party was sponsored by Father Land Co. Ltd and many of Myanmar Celebrities showed up at the event.
Studied at- Dagon University, English major ,Yangon, Myanamr.
High School- BEHS 1 Dagon.

 myanmar actress
Photo- LMN Photography

myanmar actress
Photo- Rain,Hair & Make- Su Mon, Shoes- Charles & Keith, Location- Mandalay. 

myanmar actress
Photo- LMN Photography
myanmar actress
Chit Snow Oo with beautiful Traditional Myanmar Dresses

myanmar actress
Photo- LMN Photography

myanmar actress
Photo- LMN Photography

myanmar actress
Chit Snow Oo with fashion night dresses

myanmar actress
Photo- LMN Photography

她是缅甸著名的女明星和歌星,曾获得2011年的缅甸电影的最佳女配角奖。她现在的男朋友,也是歌星,她还为Charles & Keith 的国际品牌代言过。她的首张个人专辑在2013年中,开始发行,获得许多圈中好友们的鼎力相助。还拍摄过很多的杂志封面,也是缅甸娱乐圈有名的黄金剩女。