Chinese Cute Actress- Tina

She is a Chinese Drama Series Actress.Graduated from Chongqing Technology and Business University,China. Tina- Tang Yi Xin bright with youthful cute image and acting got more popularity in China for her interpretation on the star road.
Born- 1989 December 9
Constellation- Sagittarius
Blood Type- O
Height- 165 cm
Weight- 45 kg
Zodiac- Snake

chinese actress
She is cute and attractive young actress.

chinese actress
She has a perfect match with her Chinese traditional dress.

chinese actress
She looks fresh and active with her yellow dress.

chinese actress
She looks young and beautiful with her short hair style.

chinese actress
She looks pretty with her free style dress.

chinese actress
She has a perfect body and beauty.

唐艺昕(Tina Tang),1989年12月9日出生于四川遂宁。中国女演员。毕业于重庆大学美视电影学院。
2011年在郑晓龙导演的《后宫·甄嬛传》中饰演“祺贵人”而被观众所熟知,凭借青春亮丽的形象和超凡脱俗的演技为她的演绎道路赢得较高人气。之后出演的《胜女的代价》、《隋唐演义》、《陆贞传奇》、《百万新娘之爱无悔》等剧收视屡次创新,因此被民众称为“国民精灵”和“收视福星”。2013年在周星驰导演的电影《西游·降魔篇》中出演小师妹云蕾,同年参演许鞍华导演的《黄金时代》。近期她在电视剧《爆米花》和《加油爱人》中担任主要角色。 电影作品
▪ 西游·降魔篇 ( 2012)
▪ 百万新娘之爱无悔 ( 2013) ▪ 女相 ( 2012) ▪ 隋唐演义 ( 2012) ▪ 胜女的代价 ( 2012) ▪ 后宫·甄嬛传 ( 2011)