Taiwan Famous Singer & Actress- Rainie Yang

Rainie Yang is a Chinese singer from Taiwan ,who has won multiple awards, Golden Bell Awards lead actress and talk show host.
Born- 4 June 1984 Taipei, Taiwan.
Occupation- Singer, Actress, Host
Associated acts- 4 in Love (2000–2002)

taiwan singer
Rainie Yang has a perfect beauty and body.

taiwan singer
Her beauty is simple and elegant.

taiwan singer
She is cute and attractive with her beach style.

taiwan singer
She looks gorgeous with her purple dress.

taiwan singer
She is sexy with her black outfit.

taiwan singer
She looks young and active with her red flower dress.

taiwan singer
She looks splendid with her white dress.

taiwan singer
She looks like a shinning star.

杨丞琳(Rainie Yang),1984年6月4日出生于台湾台北杨丞琳,祖籍广东江门,父母为广东人。从国小起便进入舞蹈班学习传统舞蹈,毕业于华冈艺校戏剧。由于父亲生意失败,父母双亲离异,母亲背上沉重债务。加之杨丞琳从小即有歌星梦,在同学和老师的鼓励下,她开始订下目标向进入演艺圈奋斗。在此之前她已经通过电视选秀节目、歌唱比赛被台湾观众所熟悉。也是一位多栖发展的女艺人。毕业于华冈艺校。2000年加入4 in love组合出道。2002年末主持综艺节目《我猜我猜我猜猜猜》长达4年。2005年凭借专辑《暧昧》和偶像剧《恶魔在身边》而走红。2010年凭借主演的偶像剧《海派甜心》夺得第45届电视金钟奖最佳女演员,封获“金钟影后”称号。专辑《天使之翼》已于2013年8月23日发行。