Fast & Furious Actress- Michelle Rodriguez

Michelle Rodríguez is an American actress. She has played tough girls and starred in Hollywood blockbusters.During the promotional tour of Fast & Furious 6 Rodriguez has stated that she originally joined the Hollywood business to become a screenwriter. She has also stated that she has two screenplays under development and plans to take a break from acting to pursue her writing. One is a family film based on a concept which she describes as "a 2012 story about purity and animals and children", and the other is a revision of an American remake of the 1997 German film Bandits which she describes as a film "about four girls who break out of jail and get chased across the country by the feds and by this MTV-like representative".
Born- July 12, 1978 San Antonio, Texas, U.S.
Occupation- Actress, screenwriter
Years active- 1999 to present
Net worth- Steady $30 million (2013)

hollywood actress
Michelle Rodriguez is a famous American actress.

hollywood actress
She has perfect curves and stout body.

hollywood actress
She has perfect match with her outfit.

hollywood actress
She looks gorgeous with her orange dress.

hollywood actress
She has perfect body and beauty.

hollywood actress
She looks elegant wit her long dress.

hollywood actress
She looks sexy with her black outfit.

hollywood actress
She is cute and attractive American actress.

hollywood actress
She has perfect body and beauty.

米歇尔·罗德里格兹,是一位拉丁美裔的美国女演员,以其饰演的坚强女性角色而出名,曾出演《女生出拳》(2000年)、《速度与激情》(2001年)、《蓝色激情》(2002年)、《生化危机》(2002年)、《反恐特警组》(2003年)、《速度与激情4》(2009年)和《阿凡达》(2009年)、《生化危机:惩罚》(2012年)等好莱坞电影。此外,她还在电视剧《迷失》中出演了角色安娜·露西娅·科特。 她承认她是双性恋,她因为速度与激情电影系列,一炮而红。曾经承认过她和速度与激情的男主角有过恋情。也因为这部电影,她开始参与幕后的工作。她所演的电影,票房收入超过50几亿,娱乐周刊曾她为 “好莱坞最会赚钱的拉丁女演员”。