Chinese Famous Actress- An Yi Xuan

She is a actress from taiwan .She chose to develop her acting career in mainland China. Since then, she has played many roles in both Chinese and Taiwanese television dramas.
Born: September 29, 1980 (age 33), Taipei
Height: 1.65 m

chinese actress
She has perfect beauty at all time.

chinese actress
She is pretty and attractive Chinese actress.

chinese actress
She has perfect match with her outfit.
chinese actress
She has perfect curves and body. 

chinese actress
She looks young and active with her outfit.

chinese actress
She is sparkling with her fur outfit.

chinese actress
She looks smart with her shinning outfit.

chinese actress
She looks gorgeous with her white dress.

chinese actress
She looks stunning with her dress.
chinese actress
She looks hot and sexy with her outfit.

安以轩(英文名:Ady An,生于1980年9月29日),是台湾著名的女演员及歌手。安以轩活跃于台湾及中国大陆演艺界,有偶像剧、时装剧、古装剧及武侠剧多类型剧集,还出过一张专辑,是台湾女星在中国大陆发展得最好的之一。她著名的电视剧有《斗鱼》、《仙剑奇侠传》、《下一站,幸福》、《锁清秋》、和《古今大战秦俑情》等。安以轩因每年都要在横店待上好几个月赶拍剧集,而被剧组戏称为“横店公主”。尤其是下一站,幸福,让她在台湾掀起一股安以轩热。