Korean Famous Actress-Lee Byung-hun & Actress- Lee Min Jung Wedding

On 2013 August 10, Lee Min Jung and Lee Byung Hun stood in front of the press to comment on their union and their future days ahead as husband and wife.After the wedding was held on August 10, details on the wedding ceremony, the newlywed’s new home and their romantic honeymoon getaway to the Maldives have been reported.

korean celebrities news
The couple is a perfect match superstars.

korean actor
He is stout and handsome Korean superstar.  

korean actress
She looks cute and attractive.

korean celebrities news
A perfect match couple flash their romance for all to see.

korean celebrities news
The beautiful event for the bride and groom.

korean celebrities news
They looks smart and perfect of all time.

1970年出生的韩国首席男演员李秉宪和 1982年出生的韩国女演员李珉廷, 曾于2006年便开始交往,但不久后分手,去年初复合。再次交往一年半后决定互许终身。2013年8月10日,他们在韩国首尔君悦大酒店,举行了盛大的结婚典礼。期间李炳宪西装笔挺,李珉廷则是穿着英国知名品牌“玛切萨”(Marchesa)的纯白礼服,气质优雅。他们的婚礼还邀请了很多的知名艺人。他们将在马尔代夫共度新婚蜜月。