Thai Famous Actress- Pat Napapa Thantrakul

Thai Famous Actress in Channel 3 Thailand. She loves dancing . She is a very funny person and she makes everyone have a fun time and make them laugh she is never boring.
Nickname- Pat
Profession- Actress
Date of birth- October 4,1986.
Height- 167 cm

thai actress
She looks sweet and charming.

thai actress
She is sexy and attractive famous Thai actress. 

thai actress
She is cute and young with her free style outfit.

thai actress
She looks great with her outfit.

thai actress
She looks pretty and sparkling with her pink and yellow dress.

thai actress
She has a great match with her red dress.

thai actress
She looks gorgeous with her outfit.

泰国三台的签约女演员Pat。天秤座的她又漂亮又幽默,经常使她周围的人开心大笑。她还喜欢跳舞,她的代表作有- 《儿媳也有尊严》《迷思的爱》《爱的跟屁虫》等。