American Film Star- Jessica Alba

Jessica Marie Alba is an American television and film actress and model. She began her television and movie appearances at age 13. Born- April 28, 1981 Pomona, California, U.S. Occupation- Actress, model

hollywood actress
She has a perfect match with her stylish green dress.

hollywood actress
She looks sexy with her outfit.

hollywood actress
She looks gorgeous with her long dress.

hollywood actress
She is pretty and smart young actress.

hollywood actress
She looks great with her free style outfit.

hollywood actress
She is a perfect stylish at all time.

hollywood actress
She looks sexy and attractive with her white bikini.

hollywood actress
She has a perfect curves and body.

她13岁开始演艺生涯,参演电影《Camp Nowhere》和美剧《The Secret World of Alex Mack》(1994)。阿尔巴通过出演美剧《末世黑天使》(2000–2002)开始崭露头角成为知名女演员,之后扩大其演艺版图进军大银幕,多数出演动作片和喜剧片。近年出演的电影包括《Honey》(2003)、《罪恶之城》(2005)、《神奇四侠》(2005)、《Into the Blue》(2005)、《神奇四侠:银魔现身》(2007)以及《倒数第二个男朋友》(2007)。Jessica Alba 经常出现在Maxim杂志的"Hot 100"栏目中,也曾被 网站票选为2006年"99位男人最想得到的女人"排行榜第一名,同时也被《男人帮》杂志评为2007年“世上最性感的女性”。花花公子杂志在未获许可的情况下将其照片刊登在封面上,而此事随后引发法律纠纷,但不久即平息。阿尔巴凭其表演而获得多个奖项,包括2001年和2008年度青少年选择奖最佳女演员以及凭借《末世黑天使》而赢得2001年度土星奖最佳电视女演员。