Taiwanese Singer & Actress- Rainie Yang

Rainie Yang is a chinese singer from taiwan ,who has won multiple awards, Golden Bell Awards lead actress and talk show host.Yang began her career in 2000, as a member of Taiwanese quartet girl group 4 in Love, where she was given the stage name of Rainie, matching the weather theme of each member. The group's popularity in the music industry was mediocre and they achieved limited success. After the group disbanded in 2002, Yang continued to pursue a career in the entertainment industry as a TV host, hosting shows such as "Guess Guess Guess" variety show. After playing supporting roles in several Taiwanese dramas, including the Meteor Garden, she landed the lead role, as Qi Yue, in the CTV drama Devil Beside You opposite Mike He in 2005. Devil Beside You was well received, allowing Yang's career to take off. The same year, she released her debut album, My Intuition, featuring her hit "暧昧" (Intuition) as the theme song of Devil Beside You and "理想情人" (Ideal Lover) as an insert songs of Devil Beside You.

chinese singer
Rainie Yang is a famous singer in China.

chinese singer
She is perfect beauty of all time.

chinese singer
She looks great with her white outfit.
chinese singer
She is perfect stylish of all time.

chinese singer
She looks pure and simple with her white outfit.

chinese singer
She looks stunning in that dress.

chinese singer
She has perfect match with her blue dress.

chinese singer
She is shinning with her sparkling dress.

chinese singer
She is pretty and attractive actress.

杨丞琳是来自台湾的著名歌手,演员和主持人。右脸颊上的痣为个人的著名特征,2010年以电视剧《海派甜心》获得第45届金钟奖最佳女主角奖。在2000年,她开始以女子偶像团体 4 in Love的成员,开始进入演艺圈。该团体在2002年结散。她继续在娱乐圈,当起电视节目主持人。她所主持的节目,如著名的综艺节目“猜猜猜”。后来,演了很多台湾电视剧,包括流星花园,但是角色,都是配角。她在2005年和贺军翔一起,开始主演中视剧,恶魔在身边。大受好评,让她的事业突飞猛进。同年,她发行了她的首张个人专辑- 我的直觉。在唱片上的五张专辑销量破数百万张,出演至少200场商演,演技精湛收视保证以《海派甜心》勇夺影后成为金钟史上最年轻得奖女艺人,杨丞琳5年来为索尼创造10亿营收 ,稳坐华语区索尼音乐一姐,被封为乐坛的全能新天后。