Chinese Famous Actress- Yuan Shan Shan

She is a Chinese Famous Actress in Drama Series.
Chinese Name- 袁珊珊
Birthday- February 22, 1987.
Height- 165cm
Weight- 47kg
Graduated- Beijing Film Academy, Performances Course Undergraduate,2005.

chinese actress
Yuan Shan Shan is a famous actress and beauty in China.

chinese actress
She is cute and pretty with her pink dress.

chinese actress
She is sexy with her black outfit.

chinese actress
Her smile is simple and like a child.

chinese actress
She is sexy and attractive with her white towel.

chinese actress
She looks gorgeous with her black and gold dress.

chinese actress
She looks so beautiful with her white outfit.

 袁姗姗(Mabel Yuan),中国女演员、歌手。1987年2月22日出生于湖北省襄阳市襄城区。毕业于北京电影学院05级表演系本科班,现为于正工作室签约艺人。