Chinese Film Star- Yang Mi

She is a Famous Chinese actress & Singer.
Born- September 12, 1986 
Home Town- Beijing, China。
Height- 1.68 m
Education- Beijing Film Academy
Upcoming movie- Empires of the Deep

chinese actress
Yang Mi is a famous Chinese actress and singer.

chinese actress
She looks perfect with her Chinese traditional dress.

chinese actress
She looks elegant with her long evening dress.

chinese actress
She is pretty and stylish film star.

chinese actress
She looks smart with her pink dress.

chinese actress
She is cute and attractive with her winter outfit.

chinese actress
She looks beautiful with her grey dress and red bag.

2006年因出演《神雕侠侣》中“小东邪”郭襄而受到观众的关注,2009年又凭借《仙剑奇侠传三》而人气飙升。2011年因为在穿越剧《宫》中扮演洛晴川一角而获得了更高的人气。2012年发行了音乐专辑《亲幂关系Close to Me》,同年成立了杨幂工作室。之后由她主演的《如意》、《命运交响曲》、《盛夏晚晴天》等电视剧均获得不俗的收视率。