Myanmar Famous Singer- Wine Su Khine Thein

Myanmar Famous Singer & Actress Wine Su Khine Thein, she'll be getting married with Oaker Myint Kyuu in 2014 February. She is noticed by audiences because after she release the phone talk with famous actor Hein Wai Yan's father from her Facebook Fan Page by herself. People are think Hein Wai Yan's father decision is not fair for her and they become kind on her and supporting her alot.
Birthday- December 24, 1986
Photo- Aye Zaw Moe (sett mu)

myanmar singer
Photo by Aye Zaw Moe (sett mu)

myanmar singer
Photo by Aye Zaw Moe (sett mu)

myanmar singer
Photo by Aye Zaw Moe (sett mu)

myanmar singer
Photo by Aye Zaw Moe (sett mu)

myanmar singer
Photo by Aye Zaw Moe (sett mu)

myanmar singer
Photo by Aye Zaw Moe (sett mu)

Photo by Aye Zaw Moe (sett mu)

Wine Su Khine Thein 是缅甸著名的女歌手和演员。她曾经和缅甸演员小生 Hein Wai Yan  私奔过。不过,因为男方父亲的不同意,被迫分开。幸运的是2012年 Wine Su Khine Thein 终于找到好归宿。她和未婚夫 Oaker Myint Kyuu 将在2014年2月举行三场婚礼。祝福他们!!